IV Infusions and Injections


At our practice located in Westbrook 06498 Connecticut, we exclusively provide IV infusions that are backed by robust scientific evidence demonstrating their effectiveness. We strictly avoid using any drips that lack scientific studies supporting their use. If you have any inquiries or would like further details regarding the studies supporting these infusions, kindly make use of the "contact now" button on our homepage.

Traditional IV Hydration

Hydration delivered via IV infusion with no medications added. Helps with quick recovery of fluids and electrolytes to support the body and muscles. Essential minerals are added to infusion to help replete our bodies reserves.

Price: $99.00

Migraine Cocktail

IV hydration with a combination of medications utilized in the emergency department setting to treat acute migraine symptoms.

Price: $199.00


NAD+, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a co-enzyme found in every cell in the human body. This co-enzyme plays a crucial role in a variety of biological processes, including energy metabolism, aging, and calcium homeostasis. This is essential for cell viability and function. However, it declines with age. NAD+ infusions are currently the only recognized, effective means of increasing systemic NAD+ levels. Oral NAD has not been shown to have any significant impact on elevation in plasma or tissue levels of NAD+. This drip needs to be run slowly over multiple hours depending on the dosage.

Price: $450.00 - $650.00 - depending on the dose

Hangover Support

IV hydration with a combination of medications and essential vitamins that are depleted when alcohol is consumed. 

Price: $150.00

Stomach bug relief

IV hydration with a combination of nausea medication and vitamin/ mineral blend that is lost during episodes of acute viral gastroenteritis. *Only to be used when other causes of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are not likely. Prior telehealth visit required*

Price: $150.00

Immunity Booster

IV hydration with a combination of vitamins to help support the immune system.

- Several studies indicate that those with low vitamin D levels are at increased risk of COVID-19 and have worse clinical outcomes after infection, further supporting the role of vitamins in the functioning of the immune system.

Price: $175.00

Athletic Performance

Pre and post-workout infusions that provide hydration in addition to several vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These components help with quicker recovery of muscle fatigue and improvement in endurance.

Pre workout : $150.00

Post Workout: $175.00

Vitamin B12 injection

Vitamin B12 injections can help with energy levels, brain function, boosting mood, and improving metabolism.

Price: $25.00